Tag Archives: Gratitude

Gratitude is the Attitude

Gratitude is what gives me the most joy. For, when I am grateful for something or somebody, I know I was bestowed with some blessing. A gift, a phone call, a thank you for my cooking a favorite dish, or my counsel—any of these coming my way—I am grateful for I am deeply grateful for a hug from my Travis. I am grateful for ”I love you, mom,” from any of my three daughters.

In a Summer Camp my grandson attended a few years ago, “Gratitude is the Attitude,” was the theme for the week. Citing well lived lives of characters in Epic stories and also of persons in our lifetime e.g. Mother Teresa, the children were taught how to be grateful for blessings in our lives.

If only we can ask ourselves every day, “what are you grateful for today?” and we have an answer, I know that would put a smile on our faces.

And today, I am grateful for my Barrington Writers Workshop group. The Tuesday morning meeting that brings us together to read, share, and get our writings reviewed and critiqued. I have always said this is a kind group. We criticize, but don’t attack anyone’s words. Constructive ideas are rendered kindly. Maybe a soft reprimand if any of the writing seems offensive.

I feel a wave of gratitude flow through me this morning. The best part is when I didn’t feel like writing, the group’s activity, hearing the written words of the members prompted and pushed me to write what I was feeling. And for that I am grateful.

Shakuntala Rajagopal

Gratitude is the Attitude


“Gratitude is the Attitude.”

This was the theme we taught at a summer camp to our grandchildren a few years ago.

Every day, I feel this is true in my life. Right now I am grateful for a visit I made to my sister Shanthi. I had not seen her in two years. From the time in December 2018 I told her over the phone that I had tickets to go visit her in India and the time I got there last month, her voice was stronger, her resistance to doctor visits and updating her meds had decreased and there was a big smile on her face. She had not cooperated with her daughter about checkups with her doctors in the past several months.

My youngest daughter who accompanied me on this visit boosted the efforts of her cousin to take Shanthi to all the specialists she needed to see, and to update her meds. I know between the two cousins they pushed Shanthi to get the care she needed.

Shanthi was almost herself, making home-made banana chips and raw-jackfruit chips and breadfruit chips. Not just for us to taste but also bring a few bags back for her nieces and nephews here in the U.S.A.

I am very grateful I was able to be there, although the visit was a short three weeks, and that all of us benefited from her energy.

On this trip halfway around the world, covering 10,000 miles one way which takes 23 hours, and the flight hours of 17 to 18 hours; I am grateful to the Gods for keeping us safe and all the Airlines and staff for their knowledge, commitment and efficiency.

I am also grateful for my sisters, cousins, sisters-in-law, and their families including nephews, nieces, and even grandchildren who shower unconditional love to me as I drop in once a year or once in two years, and then disappear into the skies.

 Swamee Rakshikkane.  (Oh God, Take care of us.)